Honest feedback or passive aggression?

In an online community, it is extremely important to maintain a safe environment in which people want to share their thoughts and problems with others. But here’s the problem: only in the ideal world users always clearly say what they want to say. In the real world, not everyone can clearly express themselves. As a result, all online communities sooner or later face off-topic comments describing the shortcomings of the posts itself instead of adding something to the conversation.

Let’s talk a bit about feedback that kills any desire to participate in an online community.

The basis of feedback is personal opinion, which should always have boundaries

It is important to remember that reviews are based on personal opinion. Having your own opinion is great. Diversity of thoughts is essential for an online community. Without the avant-garde of views, we will not be able to achieve much. At the same time, it is critically important to be able to convey the feedback to others without crossing the line of respect.

Here is an example.

Imagine that you have on your team a very talented, smart, pleasant colleague who starts coming to work in a suit, but you, as it happens, do not like suits at all. You approach the college and say that wearing a suit is not fashionable anymore. The colleague shakes your hand, smiles and continues to wear their suit. At this point, I think you should stop sharing your thoughts about fashion with that colleague. Definitely, if you continue to impose your views about your attitude to classic clothing over and over again, a conflict will arise. It is even worse if you start making fun of the “guy in the suit” if the colleague does not listen to your suggestions. If you had continued, everyone, including those around you, would have become uncomfortable with such behavior.

Sharing personal opinions is important, but it is even more important to do it respectfully, without imposing personal views on others or insulting them. Just because someone does something differently than you would like, does not always mean that the “different approach” is incorrect.

Intolerance is unacceptable under any circumstances, even if it is presented as feedback

Everyone has the right to have their own opinion, as well as to be treated with respect as an individual. An insult does not become less offensive if it is presented under the sauce of “personal opinion”, even if the participant expressing such an opinion really thinks so. Remember, any intolerance goes against the CoC of most online communities.

Negativity and passive aggression are unacceptable as well

Usually, an online community is an initiative of caring people. Those people are volunteers and it is important to make them enjoy participating in the community. When users encounter pessimism, including unsubstantiated pessimism presented as “feedback”, the desire to help other people on the site disappears.

Here is another, again, fictitious example.

Imagine that you have been asked to write poetry for a local newspaper. You, inspired by the opportunity to prove yourself, spend several evenings on the first draft. When the poem is almost finished, an acquaintance comes to you and, for some unknown reason, begins to shower you with barbs about the newspaper, its editors, and then expresses their “personal opinion” about your work, the success of the enterprise, and in general “everything would be fine if it weren’t so bad.” It is very likely that after this your desire to publish anything will diminish, as well as your desire to take such an opportunity in the future.

This cannot be allowed in an online community. Passive aggression and negativity in general get spread like a virus, reducing activity in the community, and destroying engagement. Dramas, no matter how far-fetched they are, demoralize users. Negativity always leads to stagnation.

Feedback should never be on the author’s personality

The most important thing in providing feedback is to make it be internalized by the person it is addressed to. This is possible only if the feedback is expressed with respect, does not contain insults or attacks on the author’s personality. Good feedback includes reasons why something should be changed, and sometimes the recommendations on how it should be done.

It is very important to note that personal opinion is not good feedback per se. Good feedback should have judgment and analysis, that is, it must be supported by arguments.

Feedback brings great benefits to anyone in an online community

It is pointless to remain silent about problems when one sees them, just as it is pointless to force one’s vision of solving problems on others. It is very important to provide feedback openly with respect. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.