What could be good candidates for content health metrics for a community project?

What could be good candidates for content health metrics of a community project?

To choose correct content health metrics we need to understand what health or success means for the content. I think we can say the following.

Healthy content is the content that people look for.

Therefor, there are three important health metrics for the content:

  • Number of pieces of content created per period of time.
  • Number of page views that all content received.
  • Number of page views per piece of content in the database.

We can think about content like a commodity which we exchange for people’s attention. The metrics above show the effectiveness of creating a new “commodity,” how much attention we receive for the commodity we have, and what the average “value” of a unit of content is.

This is a fragment of a draft of the book “Lessons Learned While Working On Stack Overflow”. Read the full book on kindle or the paperback version.